Character Sketch #2
Groaning in annoyance, she leans back in the chair, waiting for him to pick up his phone. When she hears the familiar sound of the voicemail greeting, she hangs up and dials the number again.
While walking around in circles, staring at her feet, she stumbles and crashes to the floor with a yelp. The next thing she hears is her boyfriend's laughter from the phone.
Just my luck, she thinks. He answers when I fall.
He asks if she's okay, and she rolls her eyes, not made at him. Where was that concern when he was laughing hysterically?
She smiles and tells him she's fine, just being her normal clumsy self.
What a great way to start a conversation.
Character Sketch #3
Her head is moving in time to the music playing in her ear. She is content with ignoring the yelling around her as her siblings play. It's better to go deaf listening to something you like than get a migraine listening to something you don't, or at least that's how she saw it.
She begins mouthing the words to the upbeat song, and her foot begins to tap. Lost in the music, she completely forgets the loud voices around her.
Her hips begin shaking to the music, and she spins around a few times, a feeble attempt at dancing.
She only stops moving when her foot hits something lightly. She looks down and sees her brother and sister lying on the floor, tears rolling down their faces.
Panicking, she rips the headphones from her ears, only to find that the tears are from laughing so hard about how foolish their sister looked dancing around the livingroom.